
MOCA’s origins are in project execution and management but at some point, we decided we wanted to do more. We saw our clients, bright-eyed and full of passion, drowning in the responsibilities of their business. They needed more than project support – they needed a partner. And we answered.

We offer human-focused business coaching, a strategic partnership that lets you step into your visionary role while we organize, prioritize, and integrate your ideas. Coaching provides support, accountability, and guidance to keep your business aligned and thriving. 

Let’s build something beautiful and sustainable, together.

MOCA’s human-focused approach to coaching means we prioritize authenticity over any overpromised formula for success. We ask thoughtful questions and listen deeply, because we believe that truly seeing and understanding someone is the foundation for helping them find the best path forward in their business. 

Our coaching philosophy is rooted in open communication, strong systems, and a deep understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities you face as a business owner. We’re here to offer meaningful support that aligns with your vision and values, and make your work fun again.

Meet Jess

Jess has a passion for people, culture, and the unique ways we navigate the world. Her experience in entrepreneurship, event planning, teaching yoga, and administrative work have given her valuable insight into organization, creativity, and most importantly, human connection. 

Meet Naomi

Naomi is a systems enthusiast who brings a love for spreadsheets, structure, and efficiency to her work. Naomi’s background in fitness coaching and trading brings an analytical mindset, balanced by her adventure-oriented lifestyle and relationship-focused perception of life. 

The purpose of our work together is to build a business that is joyful and sustainable while creating space for a fulfilling life outside of work. We believe that a successful business is built around your life and supports what matters most to you. That might be family, friends, travel, self-care, or some creative hobby. Whatever it is, you should be doing it. Otherwise, what is the point?

We aren’t just here offer business best practices. We truly care about the humans we support. We’re rooting for you, personally and professionally. Together, we can create a business that supports the life you want to live. 

How does it work?

In our work together we will provide clarity, build systems, organize ideas, and align your efforts. We know that every business owner has unique needs, so our coaching sessions are designed to meet you where you are. There’s no set framework that we’re pushing you through. While we do offer suggestions and guidance, we show up to each session ready to dig into the goals, challenges, and priorities that you’re facing that day. As we go, we’ll create documented systems and process maps to give you the tools you need to make your day-to-day operations smoother. Then if you need support with managing systems or executing projects, we’ll provide an estimate for our in-house team to help. 

Coaching – $1200 / month
What’s included:

Three 1-Hour Coaching Sessions: Every session is focused on giving you real, actionable steps to keep your business moving forward.

Tangible Deliverables: In our journey, we will document processes and systems together for ongoing use. 

Integrated Execution: Get support from the MOCA team in project execution without having to transfer information from an outside party. Just say go!

As a visionary, you’ve created a whole world of your own, and you’re trying to hold the weight of it. The longer you try to carry it alone, the heavier it gets.

If you’re interested in having a partner in your business development, schedule a conversation with Jess. Don’t worry, she’s friendly! She’ll share more about how coaching works and pair you with a coach that feels like a good fit for your particular needs. Let’s build a business that works for you. 

“Working with a MOCA coach has been a game changer for my business. When I think about where I was when I met her and how different things are today, it’s easy to see the transformation.

My coach helped me take my first step toward systems. I have rebelled against the word “systems” forever (it’s not in my DNA). My coach listened and heard me and what I wanted for my business, and then helped me find ways to make that work in the real world.” 


“Owning a business can feel lonely. Finding a strategic partner to check-in and process ideas with has been key in not only developing my business but also in feeling connected.

My coach asks great questions to help me sort through that visionary chaos and challenges me (in a nice way) to prioritize actions that move my business forward. I look forward to every session!”


Single Coaching Sessions

Yes, a single session is $300 and three sessions a month is $1,200. (“Um… if you do the math…”) We understand that it doesn’t appear to add up, but we promise, it’s on purpose!

Single coaching sessions are a different beast. We’re not developing systems or creating deliverables together. We aren’t building something that is an ongoing process. With single coaching sessions we are showing up, in that moment, for exactly what you need. We are overcoming overwhelm together, clarifying next steps, and offering feedback and strategic support.  

Single Session – $300
What’s included:

One 1-Hour Coaching Session: Every session is tailored to what you need in the moment. We’ll make sure you walk away with real, actionable steps to move forward.

Follow Up + Accountability: After your session, you’ll stay on our radar. We’ll check in to see how you’re doing and share updates with your MOCA project execution team to keep your work aligned. 

Overcoming Overwhelm: If you’re juggling too many tasks and don’t know where to start, we’ll help you find the ground again and brainstorm a sustainable path. 

Clarifying Your Next Steps: If you have a lot of ideas and you aren’t sure what to prioritize, we can be a thought partner in organizing and aligning your next steps. 

Feedback and Strategic Support: If you’re working on creating something, we can be a second set of eyes, accounting for best practices and your particular goals. 

Single coaching sessions are for the moments where you find yourself thinking, “Crap. I need help.

Here we are. Let’s talk.